Thursday, September 01, 2011

Roses Sometimes Never Die

       I was honored when I was asked to be a guest Blogger for “My Soul in Shoes”.  I had rather grandiose ideas on what I wanted to share and how I wished to express myself, the verbiage to choose, then…the blank page…I’d struck a wall!

I could not write one word.

I wanted to share how much my mother Rose, is a daily part of my life and how her life is an inspiration to me in everything I do as an adult… BLOCK.

I wanted to possibly write some poetry as I used to do, sharing my words with rhythmic ease and deep meaning…. NOT.

I was literally struck with worry that I would have nothing meaningful to share with Kim’s readers. Then I looked around and thought, Dawn you are a logical person, what is stopping you from being able to express yourself? Why can you not type one word as I do for my own Blog daily? I realized that my problem was that I had exerted so much pressure and wasted energy on what the words were going to be, that I could not come up with even one word. Not one thought could I realize?

Logic stepped in again to show me that it is not about the words you are typing, it is the message you want to send. 

 Just is Life… we many times stifle ourselves with the monotony of what needs to be done daily that we lose the meaning of the message.

                    So here is my message…

                    Let the rhythm of life not pass you by
                    Realize that life is endless…Roses sometimes never die
                    Be armed as the warrior you were meant to be
                    Not merely with WORDS but empathy

                    Express yourself as the child that you once were
                    Find your magic and allow true happiness to occur
                    Shout your message with all the meaning you hold so dear
                    Who is listening shall not matter for it is truly YOU
                                that must HEAR

Be Your Own Logosm

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